Permis de séjour temporaire en procédure accélérée

Le Président de la Fédération de Russie a signé le décret n°702 « Sur la fourniture d’une aide humanitaire aux personnes partageant les valeurs spirituelles et morales traditionnelles russes », qui permet aux ressortissants étrangers originaires de pays où les valeurs néolibérales sont promues au niveau étatique d’immigrer en Russie. Ce décret offre à ces personnes la possibilité de demander un permis de séjour temporaire (RVP) d’une durée de trois ans. Publication officielle.
Le RVP, dans le cadre d’une procédure accélérée, permet aux ressortissants étrangers de s’établir dans une région spécifique de la Russie et d’y travailler dans la région qui a délivré le permis.

Le RVP (Permis de séjour temporaire) dans le cadre d’une procédure accélérée : Attentes pour les réinstallants

Le programme de RVP dans le cadre d’une procédure accélérée vise à attirer les personnes souhaitant apporter une contribution significative à la société russe et bénéficier d’opportunités de croissance et d’intégration. Ce programme reflète les engagements mutuels entre les migrants et la Russie, où des valeurs et des responsabilités partagées servent de fondement à la résidence.

Construire un avenir commun

Le programme vise à créer un environnement harmonieux où migrants et résidents locaux peuvent prospérer ensemble. En répondant à ces attentes, les migrants ne se contentent pas de s’intégrer avec succès, mais contribuent également au développement social, culturel et économique de leur nouvelle patrie.

Le programme « RVP en procédure accélérée » n’est pas simplement un moyen d’obtenir un permis de séjour, mais également un partenariat fondé sur le respect mutuel et des objectifs communs.

Pas de quotas

Demandez un permis de séjour temporaire sans avoir besoin d’un quota local.

Aucun examen requis

Aucun examen de langue russe, d’histoire ou de droit n’est nécessaire pour obtenir le permis de séjour temporaire.


Possibilité de travailler en Russie dans la région de votre choix, sans nécessiter de permis supplémentaires.

Accès aux soins de santé

Bénéficiez de services médicaux en fonction de votre lieu de résidence.


Opportunité de mener des affaires en Russie en créant une entité juridique.

Étape par étape

Pour postuler pour la résidence fondée sur des valeurs partagées (TRP – « РВП »), veuillez suivre ces étapes :
(Notez que certaines exigences mentionnées dans la FAQ seront nécessaires.)

Étape 1. Analyse

Évaluez votre préparation à la relocalisation en examinant votre situation financière, les offres d’emploi et votre compréhension de la culture et des traditions russes.
De plus, gardez à l’esprit que vous devrez vous familiariser avec les différentes régions de Russie. Bien que le processus de demande en lui-même ne requière pas légalement la connaissance du russe, toutes les communications avec les autorités locales se feront en russe. Par conséquent, réfléchissez à la nécessité d’une assistance pour naviguer dans le processus. Les démarches administratives pour obtenir un permis de séjour assorti d’un permis de travail sont complexes dans n’importe quel pays, mais elles peuvent être simplifiées en recourant à des services payants dans votre langue maternelle.

Étape 2. Découverte de la Russie

Il est fortement recommandé d’explorer la Russie et de visiter différentes régions afin de déterminer laquelle correspond le mieux à votre mode de vie. Tenez compte de facteurs importants tels que les écoles pour vos enfants, la qualité des cliniques locales et des services de santé, ainsi que les opportunités de revenus disponibles dans la région. Gardez à l’esprit que la région dans laquelle vous faites votre demande de permis de séjour deviendra votre lieu de résidence officiel (et probablement votre lieu de travail). Changer de région après avoir reçu votre RVP (Permis de séjour temporaire – РВП) est un processus complexe et chronophage, et il se peut que cela ne soit même pas possible tant que vous détenez ce statut. Par conséquent, il est crucial de choisir soigneusement votre région avant de postuler.

⚡ℹ️ Recommendation:
Consider using a migration consulting service 🔗, as it is important to be aware of the entire process and timelines from the very beginning.

Étape 3 : Demande de VISA

Il est important de comprendre qu’un permis de séjour ne peut être obtenu qu’après avoir demandé le visa correspondant aux « valeurs partagées » dans votre pays d’origine pour entrer en Russie. Vous devez contacter l’ambassade ou le consulat russe local dans le pays (à condition d’avoir résidé pendant plus de 91 jours avec un permis de séjour valide dans l’un des pays éligibles), et participer au processus de demande et d’entretien afin d’obtenir le visa approprié pour entrer en Russie et pouvoir par la suite postuler pour le RVP.

⚡ℹ️ Be aware that the entire procedure to obtain the visa depends on the local consulates and can take up to 3 months. A personal interview is required at the embassy in one of the countries that can grant the visa (🔗list of countries).

Étape 4 : Rassemblement des documents

Vous aurez besoin de plusieurs documents pour confirmer votre identité, votre origine et votre bonne conduite. Les documents étrangers doivent être authentifiés par une apostille. Il s’agit notamment de votre acte de naissance, de l’enregistrement local, de l’acte de mariage ou d’autres documents confirmant votre statut actuel ou un changement de nom, ainsi que de documents attestant de votre citoyenneté. Vous devrez également fournir un certificat de bonne conduite (délivré il y a moins de 3 mois) de votre lieu de résidence, ainsi que de tous les pays dont vous êtes citoyen. Tous ces documents doivent être apostillés. De plus, vous devez posséder un passeport valide avec une durée de validité d’au moins 6 mois. Assurez-vous enfin d’être citoyen d’un des pays éligibles pour ce programme — consultez la FAQ jointe pour plus de détails.

⚡ℹ️ Recommendation:
Consider using a migration consulting service 🔗, as even minor issues with documents can lead to denial of acceptance by authorities and may force you to leave Russia unexpectedly.

Étape 5 : Voyage en Russie

L’entrée en Russie se fait avec le visa spécifiquement délivré à cet effet. Vous pouvez entrer en Russie par avion ou par toute frontière terrestre ou maritime autorisant l’entrée avec le visa actif. Sachez qu’à ce stade, et jusqu’à l’obtention d’un permis de séjour permanent en Russie (étape suivante, au plus tôt un an après l’obtention du RVP), vous devrez payer des taxes et des droits de douane si vous importez des marchandises ou des véhicules.

Étape 6 : Enregistrement

Votre lieu de résidence doit être officiellement enregistré auprès des autorités locales dans les 7 jours suivant votre arrivée en Russie. Le lieu où vous effectuez votre demande et vous enregistrez doit se situer dans la région où vous prévoyez de postuler et de vivre pendant la validité du permis de séjour temporaire, d’une durée maximale de 3 ans. Cela signifie que vous devez disposer d’une inscription temporaire à un endroit où vous êtes autorisé à résider (soit votre propre propriété, soit une propriété autorisée par le propriétaire). Après l’obtention du RVP, vous pouvez changer de lieu de résidence, mais UNIQUEMENT au sein de cette région spécifique.

⚡ℹ️ Landlords in Russia often refuse to rent apartments to foreigners. Be prepared for higher costs or potential challenges in finding accommodation.

Étape 7 : Traduction des documents

Tous les documents étrangers obtenus précédemment ainsi que votre passeport, y compris toutes les pages disponibles, doivent être traduits en russe après votre entrée en Russie, et leurs traductions doivent être notariées par un notaire russe.

Étape 8 : Contrôle de santé

Effectuez un examen médical local pour obtenir un certificat médical. Ce bilan comprend un examen général, un test de dépistage de drogues et un dépistage des maladies infectieuses, incluant une radiographie thoracique. Les maladies chroniques ne constituent pas un obstacle. Vous pouvez être accompagné d’un traducteur ; cependant, selon les réglementations locales, le traducteur ne pourra peut-être pas être présent à toutes les étapes de l’examen.

Étape 9 : Dépôt de la demande

Soumettez votre demande auprès du bureau local de migration (Ministère de l’Intérieur) en fournissant tous les documents et certificats rassemblés précédemment. La demande doit être rédigée en russe et vous devrez régler les frais locaux soit par carte bancaire russe, soit en présentant les justificatifs de paiement provenant de banques spécifiques, selon les exigences. Vous devrez également joindre deux photos de format 35×45 mm. Vos empreintes digitales seront relevées et un document vous sera remis pour confirmer que votre demande a bien été déposée.

⚡ℹ️ Be aware that Russian authorities often do not accept translators, and every application must be filled out in Russian. The list of documents is here: 🔗Which documents do i need?

Étape 10 : Attente de la procédure

Le délai d’attente pour recevoir et obtenir le statut de permis de séjour temporaire (RVP) en Russie est d’environ 4 mois. Étant donné que votre visa est valide seulement pour 3 mois, vous pouvez quitter la Russie durant cette période ou demander une extension spéciale de visa jusqu’à ce que vous receviez une décision sur votre demande de la part des autorités.

Frequently asked questions

Citizens of which countries can participate in the Shared Value Residency Program?

You must be a citizen of one of the following countries and reside in that country.

Only residents of these countries can apply at these countries for the visa to obtain the residency permit based on Decree No. 702 of the President of the Russian Federation:

🇦🇺 Australia, 🇦🇱 Albania, 🇦🇩 Andorra, 🇧🇸 The Bahamas, 🇬🇧 United Kingdom, 🇪🇺 European Union (27 countries: 🇦🇹 Austria, 🇧🇪 Belgium, 🇧🇬 Bulgaria, 🇩🇪 Germany, 🇬🇷 Greece, 🇩🇰 Denmark, 🇮🇪 Ireland, 🇪🇸 Spain, 🇮🇹 Italy, 🇨🇾 Cyprus, 🇱🇻 Latvia, 🇱🇹 Lithuania, 🇱🇺 Luxembourg, 🇲🇹 Malta, 🇳🇱 Netherlands, 🇵🇱 Poland, 🇵🇹 Portugal, 🇷🇴 Romania, 🇸🇮 Slovenia, 🇫🇮 Finland, 🇫🇷 France, 🇭🇷 Croatia, 🇨🇿 Czech Republic, 🇸🇪 Sweden, 🇪🇪 Estonia), 🇮🇸 Iceland, 🇨🇦 Canada, 🇱🇮 Liechtenstein, 🇫🇲 Micronesia, 🇲🇨 Monaco, 🇳🇿 New Zealand, 🇳🇴 Norway, 🇰🇷 Republic of Korea, 🇸🇲 San Marino, 🇲🇰 North Macedonia, 🇸🇬 Singapore, 🇺🇸 United States of America, 🇹🇼 Taiwan, 🇲🇪 Montenegro, 🇨🇭 Switzerland, 🇯🇵 Japan, 🇺🇦 Ukraine

In which countries can you apply for the necessary entry visa?

Only residents of the following listed countries, and those applying within these countries, are eligible to apply for the visa required to obtain the residency permit, in accordance with Decree No. 702 of the President of the Russian Federation:

🇦🇺 Australia, 🇦🇱 Albania, 🇦🇩 Andorra, 🇧🇸 The Bahamas, 🇬🇧 United Kingdom, 🇪🇺 European Union (27 countries: 🇦🇹 Austria, 🇧🇪 Belgium, 🇧🇬 Bulgaria, 🇩🇪 Germany, 🇬🇷 Greece, 🇩🇰 Denmark, 🇮🇪 Ireland, 🇪🇸 Spain, 🇮🇹 Italy, 🇨🇾 Cyprus, 🇱🇻 Latvia, 🇱🇹 Lithuania, 🇱🇺 Luxembourg, 🇲🇹 Malta, 🇳🇱 Netherlands, 🇵🇱 Poland, 🇵🇹 Portugal, 🇷🇴 Romania, 🇸🇮 Slovenia, 🇫🇮 Finland, 🇫🇷 France, 🇭🇷 Croatia, 🇨🇿 Czech Republic, 🇸🇪 Sweden, 🇪🇪 Estonia), 🇮🇸 Iceland, 🇨🇦 Canada, 🇱🇮 Liechtenstein, 🇫🇲 Micronesia, 🇲🇨 Monaco, 🇳🇿 New Zealand, 🇳🇴 Norway, 🇰🇷 Republic of Korea, 🇸🇲 San Marino, 🇲🇰 North Macedonia, 🇸🇬 Singapore, 🇺🇸 United States of America, 🇹🇼 Taiwan, 🇲🇪 Montenegro, 🇨🇭 Switzerland, 🇯🇵 Japan, 🇺🇦 Ukraine

Applications from other countries are not permitted.

Applying as a whole family

Each individual must submit their own application for a residence permit. However, minor children can be represented by their parents. Separate application forms must be completed and submitted for each person, including children. These forms will be processed together with the parents’ applications to ensure an efficient procedure.

How to Get a SIM Card in Russia?

Here’s the step-by-step process:
1️⃣ Find a translator and have your passport translated into Russian.
2️⃣ Have the translation notarized.
3️⃣ Visit an MFC (Multifunctional Center) to obtain your SNILS (Social Insurance Number). The process takes 1-5 days, but data entry into the system can take up to 2 weeks.
4️⃣ Visit the MFC again to create and verify an account with the state services (Gosuslugi). Install the Gosuslugi app. (1-3 hours)
5️⃣ Go to the bank and complete biometric authentication (learn Russian!).
6️⃣ Purchase a SIM card – at special rates for foreigners. Open a bank account (this takes about 25 minutes).
7️⃣ The SIM card is linked to the IMEI upon purchase.

🔴 A Russian SIM card is still required by most banks to open a own bank account in Russia.

How to Open a Bank Account in a Russian Bank?

The process of opening a bank account in a Russian bank, including obtaining a local payment card (MIR), requires a passport with a current translation that has been notarized by a Russian notary. Additionally, you will need a Russian SIM card registered in your name. Some banks may also ask for your tax number from the place where you reside. Please note that a Russian SIM card requires certain other conditions, such as a valid SNILS number (Pension Fund ID), access to the e-government service Gosuslugi, and biometric data collection (facial scan and voice recording).

What happens after 3 years?

Immigrants can apply for permanent residency permit no earlier than 8 months after receiving a temporary residence permit (TRP), but no later than 2 years and 8 months, as the permanent residency application is processed in 4 months. This process requires meeting additional conditions, such as proving knowledge of the Russian language. The temporary residence permit cannot be extended; instead, you can apply for permanent residency.

A certificate confirming your knowledge of the Russian language must be provided (the exam is not required for minors, or for women over 60 years old and men over 65 years old).

Please note that the entire process takes about 4 months.

After receiving a temporary residence permit, you must annually confirm your income and tax payments in Russia. You must also prove that you have not left Russia for more than 6 months and that you have spent at least 183 days in Russia in the previous year. These reports must be submitted annually, without request, to the local Department of Internal Affairs.

Administrative or Legal Convictions and Their Consequences

If, as a foreign citizen, you receive more than two administrative fines (including traffic violations) within a year in Russia or commit other offenses, the authorities may annul your residence permit with immediate effect. This means you will lose your status and be required to leave the country.

Therefore, it is important to comply with Russian laws and regulations to avoid losing status, being banned from entry, and other negative consequences (if annulled, you are given 2 weeks to leave the country, and a 5-year entry ban is imposed).

Compulsory Education in Russia

Your children are required to provide proof of education as long as they are minors and have not yet completed the first 8 years of schooling. There is no specific obligation to attend Russian schools, but you must provide evidence of their academic achievements equivalent to the Russian school system. Your children may need to pass an exam to demonstrate their knowledge of Russian in order to be admitted to a state educational institution

Bringing money to Russia

While there are no restrictions on bringing money into Russia in various forms, certain rules must be followed:
If the amount exceeds $10,000, you are required to declare it at the customs declaration desk.
For amounts over $100,000, you must also provide documentation to declare the source of the funds at the customs desk.
Some major banks continue to send transfers to unauthorized banks. Therefore, if you have your own bank account in Russia, you may be able to make direct transfers through these banks. You can get more details from your local bank.
Make sure to follow these rules to avoid potential issues.

Financial support

It is important to understand that the Russian government does not provide any direct financial assistance to immigrants for applying for a residence permit or during their stay in Russia. Therefore, you must be able to cover the costs of applying for a residence permit as well as any expenses related to your stay in Russia independently.

When applying for a Temporary Residence Permit (TRP), you do not need to confirm your income.

Bringing goods to Russia and taxes

Goods and personal belongings brought into Russia must adhere to the country’s customs regulations and are subject to applicable duties and fees. This includes all items you wish to import, such as vehicles, electronics, furniture, and other personal effects. It is essential to declare these items properly to avoid fines or penalties.

An exemption from paying customs duties is available under specific circumstances. This exemption applies to individuals who have obtained permanent residence status and allows them to import personal belongings duty-free. However, this benefit is limited to a maximum period of 18 months following the acquisition of permanent residency or Russian citizenship.

To qualify for this exemption, the following conditions typically apply:
1. Proof of Permanent Residency: You must provide documentation confirming your permanent residence status in Russia. (Temporary residence holders are not able to do so)
2. Ownership of Imported Goods: Items must have been owned and used by you before the move, typically requiring proof such as purchase receipts or registration documents (for example, for cars: the vehicle must be owned for at least a year.).
3. Proper Declaration: All goods must be declared at customs upon entry into Russia, and the appropriate forms must be completed accurately.

It is important to note that certain restricted or prohibited items may not qualify for duty-free import, even under the exemption. Always check with Russian customs authorities or consult an expert for detailed guidance on specific items.

Failure to comply with customs regulations can result in delays, fines, or confiscation of goods. Proper planning and adherence to the rules will ensure a smooth process when bringing your belongings into Russia.

Health Examination Requirement for Immigrants to Russia

As part of the immigration process, all individuals seeking temporary or permanent residency in Russia are required to undergo a health examination. This mandatory procedure ensures public safety and helps prevent the spread of infectious diseases within the country.

What Does the Health Examination Include?

The health examination typically covers the following:
1. Screening for Infectious Diseases:
– Tuberculosis (via chest X-ray or Mantoux test)
– HIV/AIDS testing
– Hepatitis B and C
– Other infectious diseases as mandated by Russian law

2. Drug Testing:
Applicants are tested for the presence of illegal substances to ensure compliance with national drug laws.

3. General Medical Check-up:
This includes a review of overall physical and mental health to determine fitness for living and working in Russia.

How to Complete the Health Examination

1. Authorized Clinics:
The health check must be conducted at a clinic or medical facility authorized by Russian immigration authorities.

2. Required Documents:
Bring your passport, its notarized translation, visa, migration card, and registration with you.

3. Certificate Issuance:
After completing the health check, you will receive a medical certificate confirming your fitness, which must be submitted with your residency application.

Frequency and Updates
Health examinations are usually required for:
– Initial residency applications
– Renewals or updates to your residency status

Why Is the Health Examination Important?
The health test is a critical step in safeguarding public health and ensuring that immigrants can contribute positively to Russian society. It also protects individuals by identifying and addressing potential health issues early.

By completing this process, you are taking an essential step toward building a successful life in Russia. Ensure you schedule your examination promptly to avoid delays in your application process. After receiving a Temporary Residence Permit (TRP), you must undergo a medical examination once a year.

Can I use my foreign driver’s license in Russia?

As long as you hold a temporary residence permit, a notarized translation of your driver’s license or international driver’s license is sufficient to participate in road traffic in Russia. However, there are specific conditions you should be aware of, depending on your country of origin. These conditions may vary based on international agreements or local regulations regarding the recognition of foreign licenses.
Once you obtain permanent residence status in Russia, you are required to acquire a Russian driver’s license. In many cases, this process involves passing exams. It is important to check the specific requirements based on your country of origin and the international recognition and conversion process for driver’s licenses.

Is it necessary for a foreign citizen to register at the place of stay in Russia?

Yes, registration for migration accounting in Russia is mandatory for the entire duration of your stay. Registration at the place of stay must be completed within 7 days after crossing the Russian border. It is important to note that many landlords in Russia are reluctant to provide registration for foreign tenants, and as a result, many rental offers may exclude foreigners. This can significantly limit your housing options or increase rental costs.

Therefore, it’s important to prepare thoroughly for this process. Be aware that the registration process, as per Russian laws for foreigners, is strictly enforced. You must live at the address where you are registered, as unexpected checks may be carried out. Violations of registration regulations can result in the loss of your residence permit.

Working in Russia

With a Temporary Residence Permit (TRP), you are allowed to work within the region where your permit was issued and where you are officially registered to reside. It is important to note that working in other regions of Russia is only allowed with a Permanent Residence Permit (PRP).

You can apply for Permanent Residence no earlier than 8 months after receiving your TRP and no later than 2 years and 8 months from the date of its issuance (since the TRP is valid for 3 years, but you must apply for PRP no later than 2 years and 8 months, as the processing time for PRP is 4 months). This timeline ensures there is enough time for the application process and the transition between residence permits.

To apply for Permanent Residence, you must meet certain requirements, including successfully passing a Russian language proficiency test. This test evaluates your ability to communicate effectively in Russian, which is an important skill for integration into the country.

Once you obtain Permanent Residence, you will gain broader work opportunities across Russia, as well as additional benefits such as extended residency rights and easier access to citizenship pathways. Make sure to prepare in advance and gather all the necessary documents to ensure a successful application process.

Buying properties in Russia

Yes, the purchase of real estate in Russia is permitted for foreign citizens. However, there are certain restrictions that may apply to specific locations, as designated by a decree of the President of the Russian Federation. These restrictions typically concern border regions or areas of special significance, which require additional protection. Foreign citizens may be prohibited from purchasing property in these regions, or may face additional requirements or regulations when doing so.

It is important to check the specific location and legal requirements before proceeding with any real estate purchase in Russia.

What are the rules for residence registration for foreigners in Russia?

In Russia, all foreigners are required by law to register their place of residence within 7 working days of their arrival in the country. This is known as « migration registration » (also called « propiska »), and it is an important requirement for anyone staying in Russia for more than 7 days, regardless of whether they are on a tourist visa, business visa, or any other type of visa.

Key Rules and Requirements:

Registration Deadline:
Foreigners must register at their place of residence within 7 working days of arrival in Russia. This applies whether you are staying in a hotel, with friends or relatives, or in a rented apartment.
Failure to register within this timeframe can result in fines or problems with extending your visa or residence permit.

Who Can Register You:
If you are staying at a hotel, the hotel administration is responsible for registering you.
If you are staying with friends or relatives, they must help you with registration. They will need to provide their own passport and proof of residence.
If you are renting an apartment, the landlord is required to assist you with the registration process.

Required Documents:
A completed registration form (provided by the migration office or landlord).
A copy of your passport, including the visa page (for tourists).
A rental agreement or invitation letter (for non-tourists).
A migration card (given to you upon entry to Russia).
The passport or registration documents of the person with whom you are staying (if applicable).

Duration of Registration:
The registration is valid for the duration of your visa or the length of your stay in Russia.
If your visa is extended, you may need to extend your registration as well.
The registration does not grant you permission to work in Russia unless you have the proper work permit.

No Registration = Legal Problems:
If you fail to register, you can face fines, deportation, or problems with renewing or extending your visa.
Without registration, you will not be able to receive essential services such as health care or access to some government services.
Additionally, not having valid registration can complicate your ability to apply for a residence permit or other official documents in Russia.

When Do You Need to Register Again?
If you change your address (move to a new place), you must register again at your new location.
If your visa or permit is extended, you may need to re-register your residence to reflect the new dates.

Important Note:
The registration process must be completed while your visa or residence permit is valid. If your visa expires and you do not have a valid registration, you will face serious legal consequences.
In cases where you are waiting for a visa extension or other immigration-related decisions, you must still maintain valid registration to avoid penalties.

Residence registration is an essential part of staying legally in Russia. Ensure you complete the registration process promptly and keep it up to date to avoid any legal issues or penalties. It’s also important to note that registering at your place of residence is not a guarantee of the right to stay in Russia; you must always comply with the conditions of your visa or residence permit.

Annual Requirements for Temporary Residence Permit Holders in Russia

If you hold a Temporary Residence Permit (TRP) in Russia, valid for 3 years, you are required to fulfill specific annual obligations to maintain your residency status. These requirements are designed to ensure compliance with Russian laws and to demonstrate your continued eligibility for the permit.

1. Income Declaration
Each year, TRP holders must provide proof of income that meets or exceeds the minimum subsistence level set for the region where they reside. Accepted forms of income proof include:

  • Employment income (pay stubs, employment contract)
  • Business income (for entrepreneurs)
  • Pensions, scholarships, or other legal sources of income

    Failure to provide this documentation may result in penalties or the revocation of your TRP.

2. Notification of Residency
You are required to notify the local migration authorities annually of your residency status. This involves submitting documents confirming your place of residence, such as a rental agreement, property ownership documents, or confirmation from your registered address.

3. Compliance with Russian Laws
TRP holders must comply with all local laws and regulations. Any legal violations, including criminal activities or failure to adhere to migration rules, can lead to the cancellation of the permit.

4. Health Examination Updates
A medical examination must be conducted annually.

5. Travel and Re-Entry Rules
If you plan to temporarily leave Russia, you must ensure that your residence permit remains valid and comply with the requirements for re-entry. Notify the local migration office if your absence exceeds a certain period, as prolonged departures may affect your residency status. You must confirm that you have not been outside of Russia for more than 6 months and that you spend at least 183 days in Russia each calendar year (a declaration must be submitted every year).

Why Are These Requirements Important?
Meeting these annual requirements ensures that you remain in good standing with the migration authorities. Failing to comply could lead to penalties, fines, or even the cancellation of your TRP.

Staying organized and proactive about these obligations will help you maintain your residency smoothly and avoid unnecessary complications. For assistance, consult local migration services or legal advisors.  

What is an apostille and how do I get one?

An apostille is an official certificate that authenticates the origin of a public document, ensuring its acceptance in countries that are parties to the Hague Convention. It is used to verify the authenticity of documents like birth certificates, marriage certificates, and legal documents for international use.
To obtain an apostille, you must submit the document to the relevant government authority in the country where the document was issued. This authority will verify the document’s authenticity and attach the apostille. In many countries, this process is handled by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or a designated government office.

Which documents to you need for the TRP application?

RVP (TRP – « РВП ») without quota under Decree No. 702

The application specifies the basis for the issuance of the RVP without considering the quota—reasons outlined in paragraph 1 of the Presidential Decree of the Russian Federation dated 19.08.2024, No. 702.

1. Application in 2 copies (document stamp – double-sided)
22 photographs measuring 35 x 45 mm, in black-and-white or color, with a clear image of the face without a head covering.
2. Migration card (tear-off notification form)
3. Passport
4. Document confirming permanent residence in the country from the list (if no citizenship is present)
5. Birth certificate
Marriage or divorce certificate, documents or certificates about name, surname, or patronymic changes, if applicable.
6. Document issued by the competent authority of the country of permanent residence not more than 3 months before the application date, confirming the applicant’s criminal record status (for visa-required countries, from 14 years old).
7. Medical certificates
8. State duty of 1920 rubles

  • All the listed documents must be presented as photocopies along with the originals.
  • Documents in a language other than Russian submitted with the application must be translated into Russian.
  • The accuracy of the translation or the authenticity of the translator’s signature must be notarized.
  • Documents issued by the competent authority of a foreign state must be either legalized or apostilled, if those documents are not recognized in the Russian Federation under international agreements.

    All official documents in a foreign language from countries that are signatories to the Hague Convention must be prepared in three steps:
    1. Certification (legalization) with an apostille stamp
    2. Translation of the original document and apostille stamp into Russian.
    3. Notarization of the translation accuracy into Russian at the Russian consulate or notarization of the translator’s signature at a notary office in Russia.

Still have more questions?

Regular questions may arise while preparing to move to Russia, and we’re happy to share the answers with you.
It is important to understand that while we provide answers and guidance, many cases require a closer examination of individual circumstances. Therefore, we recommend consulting qualified lawyers or trained professionals with the necessary expertise. Official sources of information can be obtained from the relevant authorities.
If you have specific questions or need help finding the right resources, feel free to share more details, and we’ll do our best to assist you.
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