We answer questions directly and use them to continuously improve our website. Don’t hesitate to ask us anything! To make the process easier, please use the forms provided on our website. These are organized into different question categories to simplify your inquiry and help us respond promptly.
Typically, you will receive an answer or the start of a conversation within 24 hours. We strive to provide you with accurate and timely information to address your concerns effectively. Your questions also help us refine our resources and better serve the community.
"Welcome to Russia" ist eine Initiative, die Verbindungen zwischen dem Westen und Russland fördert. Wir bieten Ressourcen zu Migration, Reisen und kulturellem Austausch, um gegenseitiges Verständnis zu stärken und den Zugang zu den zahlreichen Möglichkeiten, die Russland bietet, zu erleichtern.